Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Diversity Management

Diversity Management is about acknowledging, accepting and celebrating the fact that people differ in many ways. There are differences among people with respect to ethnicity, class, age, gender, race, physical and mental ability , education , background etc. Diversity management focuses on managing the differences within a company’s workforce and tapping the benefits that flow from it.

In an ever increasing era of globalization and competition, companies need to become more creative and open to change. This can be achieved through maximizing and capitalizing on workforce diversity. Diversity Management has become one of the most significant organizational challenges. In a multicultural work environment, there is a need for managers and supervisors to value individual differences among employees and convert it into an invaluable competitive asset. This will eventually lead to improved workplace diversity, fostering creativity and innovation and facilitating operations in culturally complex environments.

Diversity Management also involves combating discrimination, prejudice and promoting inclusiveness. Since employees from diverse background bring individual talents, skills and experiences, they help the organization in becoming more competitive, flexible and adaptive. An Organization with a large pool of ideas and experiences can inspire its employees to perform to their highest ability and can execute company-wide strategies more effectively. It also allows companies to develop new products and services for diverse customer base.

However, there are challenges to managing a diverse workforce. Lack of proper communication channel, resistance to change, negative attitude and behavior, prejudice and discrimination in the workplace are barriers to Organizational diversity.

Thus, managing diversity is about more than equal employment opportunity and affirmative action. It is a reflection of changing times. Diversity must be managed in order for companies to reap a diversity dividend. Organizations must incorporate diversity policies, create a safe and fair environment where everyone has access for opportunities and challenges, educate and inspire commitment from employees across all levels.

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